I have loaded your script and found several errors:
This: privmsg($userName,"you successfully entered the Track with Pinto powered XRT!);
Should be: privmsg($userName,"you successfully entered the Track with Pinto powered XRT!");
This: privmsg($userName,"you successfully entered the Track with Zetec powered XRT!);
Should be: privmsg($userName,"you successfully entered the Track with Zetec powered XRT!");
This: Sub tws_Zetec( $KeyFlags )
Should be: Sub tws_Zetec( $KeyFlags , $id )
This: Sub tws_Pinto( $KeyFlags )
Should be: Sub tws_Pinto( $KeyFlags , $id )
All these errors were visable in the log file:
3/23/2020 8:17:11 PM -> Error: Unclosed string on file: ".\AB-configs\.\..\includes\.\test\test_restrict.lpr" at line #41
3/23/2020 8:28:48 PM -> Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #76 in function 'tws_pinto' script aborted
You might have looked at the wrong lof file, as Lapper has two of them.
This file* is the correct file to check:
*29994 = the port number your Lapper is running on, so that might differ on your end
Of course it's always a good thing to learn the coding skills your self and you are well on your way, but if you want some inspiration or to have a fully developed handicap (or restrictions as you call it) system, have a look at the script I made in the past: